BRIDGING THE GAP IN DIGITAL LEARNING is a modern digital age "Scholarship and Funding Aid" App Platform

For souls and minds who prefer things short & simple, is a modern digital age "Scholarship and Funding Aid" App Platform where one can get money for education or traveling. This funding is NOT a loan & does NOT have to be returned. aims to Identify Learning Gaps in Students from the way they Cheat on Online Tests, Exams & Assessments.

The Founder has invested his own savings & wealth in developing the App. We reach out to you for some additional funding needed to complete the app development.

Our sincere request to you is to help us reach our funding goal so we can help out as many underprivileged students as possible - and other students or learners who are in need of Scholarships or Funding Aid to fund and complete/support their education. In exchange, we offer a series of gifts, rewards, and perks to you

You may choose to select whatever perk & reward that you like -- and fund us accordingly. Please help us to make this dream of "Equitable and Fair Education" for all a reality.

If 'X' is the amount of SCHOLARSHIP & FUNDING that someone seeks from Mokusei, their Registration Fee for the BETA Test is between 0.1% to 0.5% of 'X'. is where you can find basic info on Mokusei's Revenue Model and Info on REGISTRATION FEES for BETA Tests, etc

Please continue to read and get to know more about and Mokusei Intelligence (the "Company") is where you can find out more about the Mokusei Team. And is where you can get info about the Mokusei Founder.

Incorporated on 17 February 2021 in Bangalore, India, Mokusei Intelligence (‘MI’ or simply ‘Mokusei’) is a Social Impact & Education centric tech startup focused on developing AI/ML based algorithms and software solutions aimed to address, solve, resolve, and impact some of the most pressing problems and social challenges of the 21st century internet and digital age in the areas of education & EdTech, legal aid & justice dispensation, independent & fair journalism, socio-cultural dynamics, political reforms & systemic change among others.

Mokusei's first aim and focus are to effect change in the EdTech space by designing, creating, and developing -- a new age digital "Scholarship_&_Funding_Aid" app platform. This platform will conduct exams or 'BETA Tests' and give away Scholarships & Funding Aid to applicants for their education or travel depending on the rank and score that they achieve in the 'BETA Tests'. This platform also aims to detect cheating and unethical practices some individuals follow to gain advantages by unfair means.

Mokusei is currently building as a mobile-focused digital online remote assessment/exam conducting app platform that detects cheating, unfair & unethical practices by applicants or students. 

The purpose of app is to collect and gather good data for Mokusei by conducting special tests or 'BETA Tests'. Mokusei will use this data to build a robust platform for teachers, universities, education institutes, colleges, and educators worldwide for their ease and use to conduct safe secure remote online assessments -- and measure gaps in student learning by detecting and analyzing the 'cheating' that typically happens in remote online assessments. [Sounds strange, right? -- Yeah, we thought so too -- and that is why we set out to build it]

In short, we hope to tell you not only who cheated on your online assessments & exams but also how exactly they cheated and beat the system. More importantly, the Mokusei apps will let educators understand the true gaps in student learning.

Think of it this way -- why would somebody want to cheat in exams? Only because they do not really know and understand what is going on. Educators, through and other future apps that Mokusei is currently planning to launch, will get insights into what topics the student really could not master -- and exactly what aspects of their learning need to be revised or reconfigured to make sure they really understand and master the skills imparted to them by teachers.

Wherever competitive examinations or assessments are to be conducted -- needless to say that aims to be able to detect and point out instances of cheating, unfair means, unethical practices, and so on so that hard-working and meritorious students do not fall behind - and those who use unfair means do not end up gaining an advantage or do not get away with this malpractice which not only rewards them unjustly but penalizes & punishes the genuine hard-working sincere students wrongly and unfairly.

Mokusei plans to collect qualitative real-time data on student behavior during 'BETA Tests' to train and teach its ML & AI engines on how to detect cheating to prevent unfair, unethical student behavior and provide accurate, reliable, data-driven metrics measuring student performance to improve and encourage best teaching practices so as to enhance student learning. For this data collection and intelligence gathering purpose, Mokusei is conducting a one-of-a-kind Pilot Experiment.

In a bid to develop the anti-cheating technology and algorithms based on AI/ML data, Mokusei is offering up to 100% funding support, reimbursement, sponsorship, or financial aid to 'Fund Seekers' for covering their education or travel expenses. This funding is NOT a loan and does NOT have to be returned. Applicants who wish to appear for the 'BETA Test' will need to pay a small registration fee for taking the Test and becoming 'BETA Testers'.

Mokusei seeks YOUR help to reach its funding goal to get the app developed. We would love your support and help. And we promise to give the donors & funders a reward and some EXCLUSIVE benefits in exchange for their crowdfunding support. Why wait?! Check out the rewards and help Mokusei today for a better tomorrow! Feel free to share this crowdfunding campaign within your network and let your friends know what exclusive benefits they can get from Mokusei Intelligence as well.

Details about and Mokusei can be found on page. Applicants can fill the 'Fund Seekers' form on the page.


Sample papers for the test:

Prachi Jain

We do not take any cut or commissions from donors and fundraisers. Payments are securely made via PCI compliant payment processing partners of the fundraiser.

Fund Utilization Metric


0 life has changed as a result of donors' support.

Education and learning should be fair, free, and open for all.
Improving education outcomes by identifying gaps in their learning through analysis of "Cheating" activities
Building a Robust Tech system to detect unethical and unfair practices in competitive exams
