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Gambling cheat: Richard Marcus, the pro in all categories

If being a gambling cheat were a profession, Richard Marcus would certainly be the highest ranking in the category. With over 20 years of cheating on all casino games, Richard Marcus has managed to accumulate several million dollars. While we are opposed to all forms of cheating,  decided to take a look at the unusual journey of the so-called "pro cheater".

From honest player to professional cheater, the line is thin

"After more than 25 years of cheating and 5 million dollars of fraud, Mr. Marcus is finally unmasked. "

Richard Marcus, perhaps you have heard his name before? You have to admit that this good man has been successfully fooling the casinos of the world for over 25 years. Starting out as a talented gambler and a true lover of casino games, Richard Marcus became a croupier in various Las Vegas casinos. This position gave him the chance to master all the intricacies of the games in great detail; this is how the story began.

Years later, he met a man named Classon, a professional cheat. The man takes him under his wing and teaches him the tricks of the trade. Like a mentor, Classon helps Richard to push the vice even further: he asks him to create new cheating techniques. After more than 25 years of cheating and 5 million dollars of swindling, Mr. Marcus is finally unmasked.

The Savannah move, he spins the roulette wheel every which way

The Savannah move is certainly one of Richard Marcus' most famous bluff moves. The name comes from a stripper trying to charm Mr. Marcus the night he invented the trick. The idea is simple: Richard Marcus bets three $5 chips on roulette, which is a small bet.

If the bet wins, Mr. Marcus starts dancing for joy. The dealer, confused, turns to the player. Richard Marcus then shows a brown $500 chip under the stack of red chips. Being hidden, throughout the game, under the red chips, which are small bets and did not attract the attention of the dealer, Mr. Marcus would only show this chip if he won. This is one of the most famous of the many tricks that have proven to be very, very lucrative.

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Thorothy Yoatkin

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